The Elevated Income Academy

How I Went from Earning $9/Hour Moving Furniture to Earning Over 6 Figures Within 6 Months

Are you a Sales Professional Who Wants to Finally Crack That Holy Grail of Income?

Then This Is the Course for You!

Course Curriculum & Outline

Week 1: Setting the Proper Expectations for Success

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 2: Uncovering and Discovering your self limiting beliefs

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 3: The 5 REASONS why most agents FAIL

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 4: An Introduction to Sales

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 5: How to Become (And Remain) Profitable

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 6: The Skill of Telesales - Money from Home

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Are you a Sales Professional Who Wants to Finally Crack That Holy Grail of Income?

Then This Is the Course for You!

Course Curriculum & Outline

Week 1: Setting the Proper Expectations for Success

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 2: Uncovering and Discovering your self limiting beliefs

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 3: The 5 REASONS why most agents FAIL

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 4: An Introduction to Sales

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 5: How to Become (And Remain) Profitable

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

Week 6: The Skill of Telesales - Money from Home

During the first week, the stage will be set by helping you set the proper expectation for your success.

"The quality of your life will always be in direct proportion to the QUALITY of the QUESTIONS you ask."